Music dept. Shirt Logo

Music dept. Shirt Logo

Events Calendar

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Well Done Bands and Orchestras!

The Winter Concerts on December 9th went very well.  The students in band, orchestra, and jazz band did awesome!  Enjoy the winter break; you have earned it!

Monday, November 23, 2015

NEW DATE for the Orchestra Concert

Due to unforeseen circumstances the date of the Winter Orchestra Concert has been moved.  The new date is Wed., Dec. 9th and it will start at 7:30pm.  This concert will follow the band concert early that evening.  Please refer to the link with the updated flyer for all of the details.  I apologize for any inconvenience.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Winter Concerts are Approaching!

Our Winter Concerts are near!  In 3 weeks the GWMS bands and orchestras will be presenting their winter performances.  The bands will perform on Wed., Dec. 9th and the orchestras will perform on Thu., Dec. 10th.  Check out the flyers on the side of the page for all of the information.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Fundraiser has begun!

The band/orchestra/choir fundraiser has begun!  The students are selling Java Joe's Coffee  now through Friday, Nov. 13th.  Students who sell 5 bags will earn a half price end of the year trip, students who sell 10 bags earn a free end of the year trip!  Ask your families, friends, teachers, and anyone else you know!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Polo Shirt Orders

Please be sure to turn in your GWMS Music Department polo shirt order.  All band and orchestra students need a polo shirt-this is the shirt we wear when we perfrom.  7th and 8th graders who were in the program last year may continuing using the shirt they wore last year as long as it is in good conidition.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Thank you Symphonic Band students!

Symphonic Band students, thank you for your efforts in preparing for and performing at LTHS and MWHS over the past month.  You performed well and represented GWMS with pride.  Keep up the good work!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Performance Information Postings

Be sure to check out the links to the right for upcoming performance information.  Every flyer that is sent home is posted to this page.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Handbook now posted!

The 2015-16 GWMS Band and Orchestra Handbook is now posted.  Please click on the link to view the document.  The students will get their copy on Thursday, but feel free to ready through it now!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Start of the New School Year!

I hope everyone had a fun summer!  Mine was busy taking care of my new baby, Madeline.  With school starting in about a week I wanted to get some information out.  The welcome back letters for band and for orchestra are posted, please read yours carefully.  The first day students need instruments is going to be Monday, August 31st.  Please also bring your method book from last school year.  Here we go!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Pet Parade Performance Cancelled

Due to the weather we will not be marching in the Pet Parade this year.  We apologize for any inconvenience.  Stay home and stay dry!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Doors for Orchestra Concert, 4/30/15

A special note about the doors to use for tonight’s concert.  Only students will be allowed through Door #2, family, friends, and guests should use Door #19 only.  These doors will not be unlocked tonight, Mr. Billingsley will be at Door #19, and Mr. Perry will be at Door #2 starting around 5:45pm.

Friday, April 24, 2015

6th Grade Concerts a Success!

6th Graders, you did very well on your concerts this week!  You prepared well, were focused the night of your performance, and sounded great!  Good job!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Spring Concerts Start Next Week

Be sure to check the calendar for when your Spring Concert is going to be.  Each performance starts at 6:30pm and is held in the Multipurpose Room at GWMS.  Students should arrive by 6pm wearing their black music polos, black dress pants, black dress shoes, and black dress socks.

High Note Festival Final Info

The final round of information has been posted for our High Note Festival, Friday, May 8th.  Check it out for all of the details!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Well Done at Collage!

The students who performed at Collage on Thursday night did very well!  Each student who performed should be very proud of the work they put in to their performance!